But singing and performing has always been her main passion and D'Amato has been working her ass off on getting her career going.Working with a list of producers and showcasing her talents in every club in L.A. for years,her hard hard work is paying off.In 2007 her first video, 'Ace of Spades' recieved over 200,000 views in its first day [and went onto over a million] and she released her first album 'La Puchinetta' on itunes in 2010.Now,her new single,'Surrender' shows Lisa's voice off and is a change from the usual rap songs. Here, I speak to Lisa about music,modelling and everything in between . . .
1 - Your new track ,'Surrender' is really impressive.Your singing voice is suprising after hearing you rap for so long - was the transition natural and did you surprise yourself?
Well, the whole 'music' thing started with me and karaoke. I've always been a bit of a clown or ham lol so I'd always sing at karaoke bars, parties, etc. Anytime I can get in front of people and perform, that is usually where I am. hahaha So, singing happened first (secretly) Although, I can hold notes, I am no Mariah Carey if you know what I mean?.....So rapping was cool and just as fun. :)Not to mention, I was first going to be signed to Madonna's record label Maverick Records when I was 17. All they knew of me was singing...well,.....and dancing. My modeling agency at the time was handling the business side cuz I was so young and had no "stage parents". It fell apart, tho. You really need the right people to protect you in this town.
2 - Growing up what music did you listen to and what was your first record?
Growing up, I really loved EVERYTHING! I was listening to Aerosmith, Radiohead, TLC, Salt n' Pepper, Mariah Carey, Madonna, U2, Biggie, 2pac, Run Dmc, Grand masterflash, Weird AL, Fresh Prince, Prince, Micheal Jackson, Janet Jackson, Ace of Base, Beatles, Pink Floyd.
Music is the best form of escape when you living in a broken fucked up house & poor.Thats the damn truth. Without music I don't wanna live! (drama) hahahaah
3 - I can see you doing well with European producers - would you ever think about working with acts or releasing over here?
abso-FUCKING-lutelyI want so bad to get out of LA. I want to be in Europe. It'll happen. I've been performing my music in Hollywood at every venue for YEARS!!! Nobody cares about the music here, they care about the hype. They see that you are on to something cool and then they steal your shit!! I feel like I have been busting my ass in this town just so that record exec's can cop my shit! I'm over this town. I hope it drowns in its sex tapes and scandal. The art is getting lost.....the beauty in music art is everywhere else because it's about the love for it and not the marketing/money making machine.I wanna dance!!!
Ireland!! (I didn't go there for modeling, but I have been) it is GORGEOUS!!! Everyone is so nice.New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Rome, France......I have never modeled in South America or Asia, but I've always wanted to go. I guess music will have to take me everywhere. Let me wish on a WORLD tour!!
5 - What designers are you into at the moment?
I've always loved Betsy Johnson. She's so crazy and off the wall. I love her colors and concepts. She just gets it! I also have always loved Dolce & Gabana. I'm not one that wears designer things, but I definitely appreciate the visions and the love for art and design. I'm usually wearing my own shit. (shh) I am a seamstress. I make all mine and my dancers outfits. Its pretty fun. I got a merch. store on my site with cool shit I make to order. www.lisadamato.com
6 - Do you have a style icon?
I don't. Should I?? :/
7 - After top model you seemed to make a much bigger impression than the other girls . . whats your secret?
Hmm......well, I was myself. Be YOUR SELF! I have a lot of guts and I speak my mind. I've always been one that wanted to change the world ever since I was a kid, so I usually speak up! I have an eagerness to make an impression that takes over me. I am so driven that sometimes I want to drive over myself! hahahaa I am a person that needs to express oneself all the time otherwise I'd go nuts!! I am a true artist in every form of the word. I paint, I sew, I draw, I write poetry and my songs, I do choreography for my dancers, I'm an extreme performer and dancer and I just can't stop!!!(screaming!!!!!) hahahahaa Just kidding......kinda. :p
8 - What are your plans for your next record and anything exciting happening?
Well, since I have yet to be signed (again) since the last with Suretone/ Interscope which was an imprint through Bananbeat Records. I might think about just putting out singles. We live in a computer generation and as much as I love albums, it just doesn't really work that way anymore unless you are a signed artist. I have the freedom to do what I want, which is cool! I have just recorded a few songs on Fernando Garibay's beats (Lady Gaga, Britney Spears) and I am working with Warner Chappell to get signed again, but in the meantime, I'll always be pumping out new songs/ video's of cool shit! I have a dope music video coming out called "SEXTAPE" that is a comedy spin-off of sex tapes and I just couldn't help myself. The song is hysterical. SHould be classiC! ALso, my video for my song 'Surrender' was just recently released......it's complete opposite, tho.
No. I've always modeled since I was a kid to escape my life! I wanted to make money and travel....that is it. I'm strictly music & TV. Music is where my heart is though. Nothing I love more then performing my songs on stage. I am a crazy performer, too! You should see me dance and rap. My nic-name is D-Batteryhahahaa
10 - Have you ever been to Ireland or plan to?
I want too!Let's do it!!
11 - If you have not been here whats your impression of the country?
I have and I love it!!! SO fucking green!!!The air is so crisp and the people are so amazing!!!
12 - As a model and celebrity you are known by a lot of the younger crowd here . . . does this surprise you?
Maybe a little. It makes me want to pop my collar! ;PThat is awesome. It makes me feel like I'm not just working like a mouse on a mouse wheel but that maybe I'm slowly creating a wider audience. Thanks for sharing that. :D
Go naked. Tell your boyfriend/ girlfriend to beat it and get totally fucked up!hahahaa just kidddddiiiing.Have fun!!! Life is so short so take a lot of pictures, smile a lot, and.......wear sunblock.This summer I will be wearing a lot of high waisted mini skirts with 80's bathing suit tops and strappy sandals. Don't forget your one of a kind cool shades, either. ;)
14 - What are your plans for the summer?
Well, I'm planning to perform all over. I just got a new Euro booking agent called the CGM Agency and we are hoping to get me booked for all the fun music festivals in Europe. That would be a dream come true. I also plan to get tan :pI plan to have fun!
Well,there you have it . . Lisa D'Amato is one to watch out for.Her ambition and goals are powerfully strong and her talent and aura cannot be denied.She is also heartwarmingly down to earth and the way things are going its only up from here for the young star.
Visit www.lisadamato.com for details,music and news. Her singles and albums are available to buy on itunes and from her offical site now.
Watch 'Surrender' Now : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTNQNBUDrB4