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Finally, interwoven relationship of love between Shireen Sungkar and Teuku Wisnu revealed after both say that they love each other and Shireen also do not deny that he is close to wisnu. Shireen told though she has long met with striping CINTA FITRI wisnu but since she is getting closer.
"Certainly I see the same Wisnu possible before CINTA FITRI but was close after that," he said when met at the set CINTA FITRI on Jl. Galunggung, Cinere, Jakarta, Monday (15/11).
The flowers romance which also emanated from both admire each other private individual. In the eyes of Shireen, wisnu is considered to be very good, smart and mature.
"wisnu good, clever is certainly mature for her age is also not far from me already, 'she explained.
While wisnu rate despite 18-year-old Shireen, but he was grown up and loving. Aceh's bloody soap opera star is also coated with what is done.
"SHe's a very hard worker, she is professional and to the kids at the mall road should seumurannya same friend's apartment, but he worked very hard and that's what makes me salute," said wisnu.