In a country where our top 'models' are actually glamour girls and socialites it seems as if the years of models ruling the catwalks and magazines are slowly fading. Last year just ONE of the twelve issues of American Vogue featured a non celebrity model. Were now used to having a celebrity leading a major fashion campaign or advertising a project.These days its rare to find a model with promise or a career thats going somewhere.Most young girls with a desire to model are now running and auditioning for reality t.v. and instead of educating themselves on the actual reality of the fashion industry and the business side they are pre-ocupied with getting there picture in The Sun and falling out of a club.Sure we have the likes of Kate Moss,Lily Cole and Natalia Vodianova but things are certainly not the same as the 90's where the Supermodel's ruled the world.
Irish model Kellie Forde is taking a different route.Signing with Cork agency,'Lockdown Models' as a young teen,Forde has taken the classic route of hard work and taking every chance she gets to climb the ladder to success in this fickle industry. . . Today I sat down to chat with the stunning Irish model to see how far up the ladder she is and how far she is willing to go.

1 : First,Kellie,Tell me how you were discovered?
I was discovered at the age of 15 in funderland by one of the directors of Lockdown models the amazing Emer O Sullivan. I have been on their books ever since.
2 : Funderland,Classy! You were quite young when you started,what was your first experience on set like?
My first shoot was with top Irish fashion phtographer Miki Barlok. I was so nervous but as soon as we began the nerves fell away. I still work with Miki on a regular basis i love his style of work he is very artistic. His pictures are full of emotion. I love working with him. Some of my pictures were recently published in his fashion phtography book which can be previwed/ordered on - www.blurb.com

3 : What have the highlights of your career so far?
Working on Location in Paris for a four day photoshoot was definetly one of the highlights. It was so surreal i had never even been to Paris before that. Modelling on a yaught for the annual boat show in London was also a very memorable time, Working at Cork Fashion week 2009 & 2010 was so much fun. Being interviewed with Top Designer Peter O'Brien for fashion tv was pretty crazy, Meeting Supermodels Erin O'Connor & Yasmin le bon they are so inspirational, & being on the cover of Irish artist Brian Deadys album cover - never thought I'd see the day my face would appear on the cover of an album haha.

4 : Excellent! Your also studying Fashion Design in Cork City . . did your interest in Design stem from the modelling?
From a young age I used love playing dress up. it was my favourite activity. I used prance around the house wearing a communion dress plastic high heels from the pound shop a free evening echo gear bags as substitute for a handbag red lipstick smeared over my face and my mums head scarf to top off the look haha!
I hated school eccecpt for art class I was always a creative kid. Never really knew what exactly i wanted it to be i just knew it had to be something creative, then I just kind of fell into fashion design & modelling.
I hated school excecpt for art class, I was always a creative kid. Never really knew what exactly I wanted it to be I just knew it had to be something creative then I just kind of fell into fashion design & modelling.
5 : What are your goals for the future?
To continue modelling,I'd love to get into the buying end of the fashion industry and one day I hope to open my own retro vintage clothes shop.

Well . . beautiful,down to earth and hard working, Kellie Forde is one to watch out for in the industry.Her heels are firmly on the ground and we can see a bright future for this rising star.
For Booking Contact Lockdown Models : http://www.lockdown.ie/