Personal Profile (Personal Biography)
Original Name: Aamir Hussain Khan
Nick Name: AK
Commonly Known Name: The Choco Boy
Date of Birth (Birthday): 14 March, 1965
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 74Kg
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Birth Place: Mumbai
Religion: Muslim
Marital Status: Married
Languages: English, Hindi
Hobbies: Listening Old Music
Contact Address: 11 Bela Vista Apartements, Bandra, Mumbai 50
Contact No.: 022 - 6463744, 6463930
Family Background
Father's Name: Tahir Hussain
Mother's Name: Zeenat Hussain
Brother(s): Faizal
Sister(s): Nikhat, Farhad
Spouse: Kiran Rao
Son: Junaid from Reena Dutt, and Jaan Herry Hines from Jessica Hines
Daughter: Daughter - Ira from Reena Dutt