Kourtney Kardashian was spotted out in Bev. Hills with her big bump. In recent news, Kourtney Kardashian’s baby shower took place on Saturday. Nearly 80 guests joined mom Kris Jenner and her daughters Kim, Khloe, Kylie and Kendall to host the shower for Kourtney. “It was a huge success,” a source told People magazine. The first-time mom-to-be, 30, is due in December, with boyfriend Scott Disick’s baby. The shower kicked off at noon and was organized by Los Angeles-based event planner Sharon Sacks, at the family’s home in Hidden Hills, Calif. Other guests included Kim’s BFF, Tres Glam jewelry designer Brittny Gastineau and Kris’ good friend, comedian Heather McDonald, who’s a regular on Chelsea Lately. Kim Kardashian recently revealed how Kourtney is “going crazy” as she continues to gain weight during her pregnancy.