Former Baywatch actress Pamela Anderson has reunited with her third husband, Rick Salomon, three days after filing for divorce. Citing 'irreconcilable differences', the aging pin-up filed divorce papers in the Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday. But yesterday they seemed to have reconciled the irreconcilable with Anderson posting a message on her official website. "We're working things out" she wrote.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Pamela Anderson reconciles with Rick Salomon three days after filing for divorce
Former Baywatch actress Pamela Anderson has reunited with her third husband, Rick Salomon, three days after filing for divorce. Citing 'irreconcilable differences', the aging pin-up filed divorce papers in the Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday. But yesterday they seemed to have reconciled the irreconcilable with Anderson posting a message on her official website. "We're working things out" she wrote.